I think it was a sign
Didn't manage to get to the pool. Between our jobs, child, training schedules (hubby is a marathoner and running the full in Kelowna) and my lack of ability to recover these days, I just run out of time and energy to train.
Sunday morning-group run. I decided that 20km was not going to happen this weekend so I would run 10km and then join a couple of friends for a 30km bike ride afterwards. Ran with Lawrence (hubby) today because he did his long run yesterday. I whined through the first 4km that my calf/achilles were tight but they loosened up and I managed a decent run (1hr 22 mins/ave pace 8:10/km). Afterwards my right foot was really hurting along the bottom. I had the same issue on Wednesday with the other foot. hmmmm might be plantar fasciitis - damn, I'll need to research this one a bit.
I got ready for the bike and went to pump up my tires. When I took the pump off I managed to bust the pin and all of the air came out. It's ok - I have a spare with me and my friend was nice enough to change it for me. We go to blow up the back tire and manage to do the same thing! Most cyclists carry spares so I got a spare from one guy and we put that one on. A half hour later we are finally ready to go. While we were waiting I was riding around and went to stop - sure enough I couldn't unclip my foot and managed to fall over (in the middle of a parking lot). That was biggest fear when I switched to clipless pedals. I didn't get any scrapes but almost managed the splits (and I'm not very flexible). My ego was more damaged then my body but it was a relief to finally just get the fall over with since I know it happens to everyone. Off we go....as soon as I start I notice my back brakes aren't working and asked a friend to check my back tire. As soon as I said it - BANG the tube burst. My friend offered his spare but he had already spent over a half hour changing my tires and I knew that if I took his spare no one would have one, which could be a real problem if something happened when we were out on the road. I know a sign when I see one and told them to go on - it just wasn't my day for a ride. I was pretty disappointed because I know this may be one of the last opportunities to ride this year but you can only push fate so far.
It's later in the evening now and I feel sore. The bottom of my right foot hurts a bit and the inside of my knee on the same side hurts. I'm pretty sure they're tied together. I can't decide if I should just go for a massage or visit my orthapedist and get my orthotics checked again. Any advice would be great.