Ups and Downs
Training is a bit of a roller coaster these days.
I realized that my plan for 5km every 40 mins will not result in a 2:40 because I missed the other 1.1 kms - damn! It's still the plan but I won't take as much off my time as I originally thought. Maybe I'll surprise myself on race day and find a little extra oomph.
Training the last 10 days:
Tuesday January 3: ran 4km, felt crummy - legs just didn't want to move and I felt tired so I walked the last bit. Average pace 8:20/km
Wednesday Jan 4: Hills - felt much better and stronger than the day before and hills the week before. Did 5 hills plus the extra one to get back to the car.
Switched the insoles in my shoes from my orthotics to Montrail that you mold yourself by heating them up in the oven. They feel much better on my arches for long runs. I just need to watch for pain in my shins.
Sunday Jan 8: LSD 14km - felt pretty good for the first 8km, then started to get tired but recovered and finished pretty strong. Average pace 8:14/km. The new insoles feel much better!
Tuesday Jan 10: 4.6km - felt pretty good and finally managed to push the pace a little. Average pace 7:34/km (one of my fastest)
Wednesday Jan 11: Hills - the plan was 6 hills plus the 1 to the car but after the first 2 my ankle started to hurt. After 3 and 4 it hurt more so I stopped. I know better than to run through pain (it took me a while to learn this lesson but running through pain leads to more pain).
I think I need to take it easy for a couple of days. I've been having some pain in my achilles and tightness in my calves that I need to watch. Booked a massage appointment for next week-hopefully that will help. I should really try to fit in some yoga too.
Friday Jan 13: swam 1200ms plus 100m for warm-up/cool down. I felt pretty good and managed to finish 1000ms in under 30 mins, which is an improvement from my last session. I'm going to have a friend that used to compete and coach check out my stroke and see if I can fix a few things to make me more efficient.
After the 1200 I felt pretty good and thought, I only need to add 800 more metres for GWN. Then after I got out my legs felt a bit tired and I started to rethink the 800 metres because that is before the 90km bike and 21km run. I'm really psyching myself out about this race. I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but if I manage to finish it, it's going to be one of the greatest achievements of my life. People tell me not to concentrate on the race because it's 7 months away and I'll burn out if I'm training too early, but thinking about that race drives me to work harder. I don't train more but it always reminds me why I'm doing it. The biggest challenge for me is quieting the voice in my head that keeps saying, "you'll never be able to do this."
I realized that my plan for 5km every 40 mins will not result in a 2:40 because I missed the other 1.1 kms - damn! It's still the plan but I won't take as much off my time as I originally thought. Maybe I'll surprise myself on race day and find a little extra oomph.
Training the last 10 days:
Tuesday January 3: ran 4km, felt crummy - legs just didn't want to move and I felt tired so I walked the last bit. Average pace 8:20/km
Wednesday Jan 4: Hills - felt much better and stronger than the day before and hills the week before. Did 5 hills plus the extra one to get back to the car.
Switched the insoles in my shoes from my orthotics to Montrail that you mold yourself by heating them up in the oven. They feel much better on my arches for long runs. I just need to watch for pain in my shins.
Sunday Jan 8: LSD 14km - felt pretty good for the first 8km, then started to get tired but recovered and finished pretty strong. Average pace 8:14/km. The new insoles feel much better!
Tuesday Jan 10: 4.6km - felt pretty good and finally managed to push the pace a little. Average pace 7:34/km (one of my fastest)
Wednesday Jan 11: Hills - the plan was 6 hills plus the 1 to the car but after the first 2 my ankle started to hurt. After 3 and 4 it hurt more so I stopped. I know better than to run through pain (it took me a while to learn this lesson but running through pain leads to more pain).
I think I need to take it easy for a couple of days. I've been having some pain in my achilles and tightness in my calves that I need to watch. Booked a massage appointment for next week-hopefully that will help. I should really try to fit in some yoga too.
Friday Jan 13: swam 1200ms plus 100m for warm-up/cool down. I felt pretty good and managed to finish 1000ms in under 30 mins, which is an improvement from my last session. I'm going to have a friend that used to compete and coach check out my stroke and see if I can fix a few things to make me more efficient.
After the 1200 I felt pretty good and thought, I only need to add 800 more metres for GWN. Then after I got out my legs felt a bit tired and I started to rethink the 800 metres because that is before the 90km bike and 21km run. I'm really psyching myself out about this race. I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but if I manage to finish it, it's going to be one of the greatest achievements of my life. People tell me not to concentrate on the race because it's 7 months away and I'll burn out if I'm training too early, but thinking about that race drives me to work harder. I don't train more but it always reminds me why I'm doing it. The biggest challenge for me is quieting the voice in my head that keeps saying, "you'll never be able to do this."
At 7:04 PM,
Jordan said…
I have a lot of faith that you can do this... and I haven't even met you. You are strong and smart - I hope to learn from you :)
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