My new addition!!

So the highlight of the week was putting a deposit down on the new ride. I was going to wait until the new fall bikes came in, but these ones are selling out fast. I am really excited to try out a better bike.
I think this week I have come to the realization that this is no longer just a hobby or something I do to just "get out there". I've invested in a better bike and decided to hire a coach to help me reach my goal of bettering my time (and finishing under the official cut-off time) at Great White North next year. The goal is specific, but I would also like to learn how to train properly. Definitely not sounding like a hobby anymore. Now I'm turning in to one of those people I always complained about: "we are just weekend warriors, no one is going to pay us to do this, so why do they take it so seriously?" I guess the answer is: there comes a time when you get the taste of success but know you can achieve more, and you want to see exactly what you can do if you work for it.
Finishing GWN was one of the top 3 best moments of my life! Crossing that line was a big F___ U to the overweight, depressed, out of shape, high blood pressure, unmotivated, and unpassionate person I used to be. Putting on running shoes has lead me to a life that I would have never dreamed possible. Finishing that race not only proved to my doubting inner self that I can do these things but it also gives me confidance in everything I do. The only thing I'm this passionate about is inspiring others to make the change in their own lives and discover what they are really capable of.
Guess this has been a bit of self realization week. Remind me to read this again when I'm exhausted and just don't want to train for triathlon anymore!
Training this week was crummy because my ITB (at least I've decided that's what it is) is causing me a lot of pain.
Wednesday: I was still sore but thought I'd try to run anyway. I was looking forward to another faster 5km. Nutrition for these runs is often a problem. I tried a baked potato for lunch, a booster juice(very berry) at 3 and ate a cliff bar on the way at 5. We started out pretty fast and it hurt! My chest was hurting and then I got a pain in my right side. I walked for a while until it went away, and then lightly ran back. Overall it was ok.
Thursday: I tried to do yoga but just completely lost my will to do it and my left side (butt mainly) was really hurting so I quit after a half hour.
Sunday: My left leg was hurting all day on Saturday so I decided that my planned 18km was probably not a good idea. We went out and did 12km instead. I felt pretty good, the pain was only nagging and didn't get worse. I finished feeling like I could have run further which was a good sign.
I'm pretty unprepared for Melissa's in two weeks, so no real goal for this one except not to die. I signed up for it because everyone says it's a great race and you just have to do it. Guess summer holidays and the post race slump wiped out training for this one. We'll see how it goes.
At 9:02 AM,
Warren Footz said…
ahhh. now i've gottz get a new bike...hope steve can find me a good, registration for GWN is tomorrow....and party til we puke on saturday nite...sounds like fun.....and then sunday we run 20+ miles...i can hardly wait
At 12:20 PM,
Kerry said…
Warren: so are you in for GWN???
At 3:32 PM,
Warren Footz said…
yeah i'm in....will have 2 see if i can dns 3 years in a row, that's gotta be a record
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