I did the training. I belong!
Are you excited is the question of the week. I have been asked that a lot lately. I don't really know how to answer this though - excited is definitely not the word. It reminds me of being pregnant - you know what's coming is really going to hurt but the finale is going to be great. The only difference is that with a baby, you know somehow you'll get to the end no matter what. I have been reading up on sports psychology etc. and everyone keeps saying "no negative thoughts." But I am a very logical person and my reality is I'm not confident I can do this. I have gotten sick on every swim over an hour, I bonked on my long ride on the course, and I haven't done anything near a 20 mile run. The other side is that I have faith in my coach - he showed me the results I was looking for last year. I know that he can design a training program that works for me and I am determined enough to follow that program. I completed about 95% of every workout was in my program and I started my base building at the end of November. That means I have trained for 9 months for this day. I also know that I am one stubborn b%tch and there is no way I would give less than everything I have on race day.
I'll try to post again before the race because I like to look back on my journey and this has been a journey that has certainly tested me and pushed me right to my limits. I have learned so much about myself this year. People say "enjoy the journey to Ironman." I can definitely say that I have not enjoyed every minute of this journey, I have been exhausted, sore, and been to the point where I couldn't pedal another rotation, run another step or swim another stroke. I have most definitely found my limits this year.
My ankle is definitely not fully healed yet. It swells up after every workout but it's not that painful so I'm hoping it will hold out. I know this isn't ideal for my ankle but I promise I will lay off and let it heal up properly after the race (yes, I'm making a "deal" here) hahaha.
A friend lent me a book "Going Long Training for Ironman Distance Triathlons" and there is a section on mental preparation. One piece of advice struck a chord with me - when you feel intimidated by all the people around you, tell yourself, "I did the training. I belong." I'll be repeating that to myself a lot over the next few days.
At 12:22 PM,
Shazam said…
What is your number -I am sooo excited and nervous for you. You do belong - don't ever doubt it.
At 6:01 PM,
Jordan said…
You do belong.
So are you excited? hahahaha :)
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